Joys Tag (15 of My Small Joys)

Sorry Guys! I am planning to upload posts once every week but essays for college application has been strangling me for a while and that writing itself has been keeping me busy.

However, I forced myself to this post as I have been delaying it for a while now. I actually received this nomination about a few month ago and I really apologize for not doing this earlier. Ever since August, school has been quite hectic due to school re-openings but here we go.

This is actually my 2nd time doing some form of a tag post, and this one comes in the form of a Joys Tag.

First and foremost, let’s start out with the rules:

What Are The Rules?

  1. Thank the blogger who tagged you.
  2. List 15 of your small joys.
  3. Tag 5 blogger friends to share their joys.

Who Nominated Me?

I have to thank Diya’s Dazzling Blog for nominating me to participate in this tag. Diya is a young blogger who shares many experiences from her lifetime. She writes a lot of tips regarding education and blogging.

15 Things/Activities That Brings A Smile On My Face

  1. Blogging in ONE sitting

Ok. Let me get this out of the way. Coming up to my blog site and writing some thoughts really change my day and the fact that you guys support me and take your time out of the day to write comments just lifts my spirits.

I am the type of person who loves to write everything in one sitting. Even if it’s like 1500 words, I do it much faster and more efficiently if I get the draft done in one turn. The moment I take a break or carry it over the next day, not only would I lose momentum, but also my thoughts as they run out of my head pretty fast.

  1. Photography

Taking photos on a regular basis is something I love. I usually take hundreds of photos when I travel where I sit and make a final list of my best photos after the trip. Sometimes, I do some editing but that’s just when I feel like it.

So far, I have like 1745 photos on my phone and the numbers are just going to increase.

  1. Indian Sweets (There is ONLY 5)

Coming into the topic of food, there are a few Indian sweets that I just crave. These are the ones that I will be looking out for whenever I go to India.

  • Paneer Jamun
  • Rasmalai
  • Soan Papdi
  • Kaju Katli
  • Gulab Jamun (Meh…)

These are the sweets that I love and I DON’T even like to taste the rest of them. If someone offers me one of these sweets, I am a happy man!!!

  1. Sleep

I hope that sleep is something that is on everyone’s priority, but it’s something that I don’t get as much as I wish to.

Recently, I began to calculate the number of hours I sleep through my Apple Watch and I was shocked, but not surprised. I was shocked by the accuracy of the watch which even indicated the times I woke up in the middle of the night. I was not surprised since I was averaging about 5 hours of sleep every day. More on the weekends but trying to boost the school days a bit more.

My goal is an average of 7 hours of sleep a day, so let’s see I can get there.

  1. Shower in Hot Water

I know that taking a bath in hot water is not good for you since it might weaken your nerves, but I just can’t help it. It’s like the best feeling in the morning and if I can set the knob precisely, that would just make my day.

Since taking a bath in cold water is better for your health, I am trying to make the change but winter is approaching. Therefore, I am not too sure if things will work out. Only time will tell.

  1. Watching the News

I love to watch the news in the morning. I have been using CNN 10 since my middle school times where the reporter just gives 10 minutes of daily news.

This just gives me a glimpse of what is happening around the world where I then decide to do some extra reading if there is a topic that interests me.

  1. Watching Cricket

If you are someone from India, then you just can’t deny the fact that you have either played cricket or watched some cricket match. I fall into both of these categories.

However, in the United States, you can’t find much people who play cricket so I just watch for the most part.

  1. Yearbook

I am currently in my school’s Yearbook Team and designing pages for them just gets me excited. It’s been a bit of a pain to find people since school has turned virtual this year, but the design process is extremely fun as it is a place for me to expand my creativity.

  1. Day-Dreaming

This would count as a silly hobby, but I love to daydream on just about anything since there is no limit to imagination.

I usually dream when I can’t sleep at night or at times I can’t focus on school work.

  1. An Empty Inbox

I am one of those people who love to have an empty inbox. Having 100’s or 1000’s of emails in there just drives me crazy.

There was this instance time where I forgot to check my email for about a month and my inbox had about 1700 emails. Although it took about 3 hours, I was satisfied that I was able to read the headlines and clear out about 1500 emails.

  1. Drawing

Drawing is one of those things that I do since a very young age. Although I am not great at drawing from my imagination, a good end result definitely lifts my day.

  1. My Mom’s Tea

I have a routine of drinking my mom’s ginger tea every morning and evening. Depending upon the mood, I usually have a few biscuits along with them.

Tea is something that starts my morning routine along with bringing up my energy levels when I get tired during the evening time.

  1. Aurora

If you were to ask my favorite destination for a vacation, it would be Fairbanks in Alaska. Auroras are something that you see near the north pole and Fairbanks is one of the few places that you could see them.

Although I haven’t seen one in real life, just watching them through a photo makes me super happy.

  1. Origami

On a general basis, I am interested in watching DIY videos on YouTube. Specifically, I love watching Origami videos.

Just like photography, the art of origami taught me a lot about perfection and a sense of motivation that you could make anything with something simple (a piece of paper).

  1. Being Early

There is a different feeling that goes through me whenever I finish my assignment or do something much earlier than it was due. There is this unknown source of happiness that changes the rest of my day.

Who Are My Nominees?

  1. Sakshi Shreya –
  2. Evin –
  3. Hemalatha Ramesh –
  4. Chasing The Maximum Life –
  5. Shreya Sinha –

These are the nominees that I chose to share their favorite joys. I hope all of you are doing well during these pandemic times, and stay safe!!!

I am trying to blog consistently during these times, but it seems unlikely until the end of winter break. My college applications schedule has already stacked up my calendar until the beginning of January so times are a bit rough. I am capable of reading some of your blogs but just can’t find the mindset to write mine.

Congrats and I can’t wait for your response.

Once again, HUGE Thanks to Diya for nominating me and I apologize for this delay!

If you have any questions/thoughts about this plane crash or if you just had something to say, feel free to comment them down in the comment section below and I will get back to you ASAP.

Peace Out!!!

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51 Replies to “Joys Tag (15 of My Small Joys)”

  1. Hey dear! Congratulations on the tag . I am so so happy for you. I too love Kaju Katli and Gulab Jamun. These are some great little joys. Loved reading all of them. You truly deserve it. Keep blogging and keep shining. Also thanks a lot for nominating me. Means a lot to me. Have a lovely day. šŸ„°šŸ˜„šŸ˜Š

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Oooooh this post made me smile šŸ˜€ We have so much in common!! The only thing is, I don’t like tea :p Clean inboxes are an essential for me, and trust me, I SPENT ALL OF DECEMBER clearing out my devices of photos, cause I just love clicking away. Now I’ve only kept the good ish shots. Do you post your photographs online anywhere? My nerves must be pretty weak because I can’t function if I don’t start my day without a hot shower, and blogging in one go, hits differently.

    Love the content and can’t wait for me šŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for sharing your perspective and it’s nice to meet someone that has similar qualities!

      My body is like 50% tea, so it’s a must that I drink it every day ā˜•ļø. I have been wanting to delete some photos of my phone and I got distracted yesterday while I was doing them. So, thanks for reminding me about that one (Have like 2500 photos on my phone šŸ˜ž).

      As of now, I haven’t posted my photos anywhere online, but I do have plans for them. If you know any platforms where I could sell photos or make my photo public, plz share them with me!

      My mom always warns me about my nerves getting weak when I get a hot shower or crack my knuckles, but I honestly can’t function without them either. Plus, I love making the bathroom all foggy and stuff šŸ˜…. However, I have been learning more about the benefits of cold showers, so I have plans on making a transition to cold showers during my college times. We will see how that goes…

      Thank You so much for your detailed thoughts!!!!!!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Anytime!! Always so nice to spam people and get excited over replies ahahaha

        Oooof, what’s the other 50% of your body made up of XD COME ONNNN YOU CAN CLEAR YOUR PHONE OUT

        Oooh, I know some people sell them on etsy and do insta feeds.

        OH GOSH my family hate it after I shower cause of the fog ahahaha

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I have been reading a little bit on Stock Photography, but the thing is that I am 17 years old and u need to be 18+ šŸ˜ž

        So….just have to wait for like 8 months lol

        Same here! My family is also not a fan of the fog. Nice to hear from u!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. This is such a fun read! Iā€™m with you on the hot showers… I like at the point that itā€™s basically about to burn me, but not quite there! And writing in one sitting is so satisfying! Reading it the next day with fresh eyes always makes me think it was written by someone else.
    Well done on appreciating the simple things in life šŸ˜Š

    Liked by 3 people

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